
Nice Business Proposal photos

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Some cool business proposal images:

a modest proposal
business proposal
Image by the|G|™

a modest proposal.


question provided by my great friend the polymath, libertarian and freethinker mr. robert weir:




consider the issues below:


global poverty.

rapid depletion of finite resources.

peak oil.

child slavery.



corporate influence of government policy.

unchecked consumption.

untrammelled greed.

personal debt crisis.

national debt crisis.

credit crunch.

unparalleled financial crisis.

bankrupt nation states.

record foreclosures.

ponzi schemes.

sub prime.

unregulated financial institutions.

criminal behaviour of corporations.

industrial disasters.


child labour.


now ask yourself the question again.


does it sound in any way sensible?

does it sound in any way ethical?

does it sound in any way achievable?


given the current [insane] climate of unparalleled greed, ludicrous high risk business models, entirely unregulated financial markets, lunatic avarice and egregiously destructive consumption, i would suggest that many people would look at this question and quite simply fail to understand it.

i would suggest that many people would think this question to be one that verges on insanity.

consume less!!


how on earth is that possible?

how on earth is that workable?

i want more and more and more and more and more.

i do as i am told.


given time, this question may well answer itself.

given time, we may well have no other choice.


i firmly believe that unconscionable greed will one day radically redefine our species.


and i say..............................

let that motherfucker roll!





The Proposal
business proposal
Image by maxymedia
Will you be my Valentine?

In business today it is all about permission based marketing and customer engagement - asking if brand x or business y can be a part of your life. It is less about advertising persuasion and more about customer facilitation - how do we help you grow, learn and acheive your objectives - if we are aligned then we can dance.
